a start 5 November 2019


Its always good to begin, have an idea and just play. it will keep me busy until the next idea comes my way..

The music played outside my window for just a little while last night which took me away, a private little concert.. But alas the builders are back early with vengeance. I need to get some supplies in the 18th today so Ill have a look around and walk past Angus favourite shop in Pigalle.. full of cool young dudes hanging and well, being cool.. They were lovely and patient when I went in 2 years ago when i tried to explain in broken French (Broken French what a terrible thing) that I was shopping for my son who is also young and super cool..I think the ‘embarrassing mum’ is a world wide phenomena.

Well excitement is brewing and the fact that ive started to play takes away the self deprecating voice that had only just started to speak.. So I can push him aside for a little longer!